Recently our fearless leader, Kohsuke Kawaguchi, was invited by the nice folks over at Digg to give a tech talk about continuous integration and automated testing. The Digg engineering team is full of believers in continuous integration, including our very own Andrew Bayer (abayer). Being big users of the Sauce Labs service to drive their vast Selenium test suite, the house was packed with Selenium hackers/users and Hudson users, the stage was set for Kohsuke to give a great presentation.

Digg Technical Talks - Kohsuke Kawaguchi from Digg Development on Vimeo.

You can find slides of the presentation here —-

For those not familiar with Digg's peripheral involvement in the Hudson community, they've graciously donated a build machine to help run Hudson builds on

About the Author
R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.