[Ed. note Andrew was not involved in selecting this post's title - rtyler]

I wanted to give the Hudson community a quick update on the current status of the issues Tyler has discussed in the earlier posts here.

Friday afternoon, Kohsuke, CloudBees CEO Sacha Labourey and myself jumped on a conference call with Hudson contributor/Oracle employee Winston Prakash, Oracle manager Denis Tyrell and of course Ted Farrell.

We discussed a wide range of issues relating to the Hudson project, such as governance, the rights to the name Hudson, and the infrastructure hosting the Hudson project. While we didn't agree on resolutions to all issues, I feel real progress was made towards a framework that provides what the Hudson community needs while also preventing the sort of conflicts we've seen the last week or two.

More work has to be done - we'll be talking again next week, and I'm hoping we can reach agreement on the contentious issues by the end of the week.

Thanks for your patience.

About the Author
Andrew Bayer

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