Over the past few months, I’m happy to say, the number of Jenkins Area Meetups (JAMs) has grown tremendously! The excitement around JAMs has gotten us thinking about something larger, something more globally focused. That led us to create vJAM, an online Jenkins Area Meetup, where we can share what we’re learning together. The effort will be spear-headed by long time Jenkins contributor, R. Tyler Croy.

The key goals for the Virtual Jenkins Area Meetup are:

  1. Connect the global Jenkins user and developer community.

  2. Help spread the latest and greatest best practices.

  3. Support other JAMs by offering another, broader, audience for speakers and organizers

vJAM, originally inspired by Virtual JUG, will supplement local JAMs but nothing virtual can replace the value of talking with other Jenkins users over pizza and drinks.

We’re currently working on the agenda for the first vJAM, which will be posted to this Meetup group, so be sure to sign up if you’re interested in participating!

If you’re interested in creating your own local Jenkins Area Meetup, read this page for more details.

About the Author
Alyssa Tong

Jenkins Event Officer. Alyssa runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc.