As you probably know, Jenkins project has been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2016.

During last month we were working with students in order to discuss their project ideas and to review their application drafts. Thanks again to all students and mentors for your hard work during about ten office hours and dozens of other calls/chats!

Current status

  • We have successfully handled the student application period

  • We have received a bunch of good project proposals (mentors cannot disclose the number)

  • We have done the preliminary filtering of applications

  • GSoC mentors and organization admins have prepared the project slot application draft

Currently we are looking for mentors. We have a minimal required number for the current project slot application plan, but additional expertise would allow us to share the load and to provide more expertise to students.

If you want to be a mentor:

  1. Check out mentor requirements here.

  2. Check out the project ideas here.

    • Student application period is finished, so it is too late to propose project ideas for this year

    • You can join the mentor team for one of the mentioned projects

    • Hot areas: UI improvements, Fingerprints, External Workspace Manager

  3. Contact Google GSoC admins via

About the Author
Oleg Nenashev

Oleg an active Jenkins contributor and engineer at CloudBees. He has a PhD degree in Hardware Engineering and >10 years in R&D and Automation. Oleg contributes to the Jenkins core, maintains Remoting and plugins like Role Strategy, EnvInject, Ownership, etc. He also organizes Jenkins meetups and events like GSoC.