On September 6th we had a Jenkins Online Meetup. This meetup was the second event in the series of Plugin Development meet ups. At this meetup we were talking about Jenkins Web UI development.



1) Classic Jenkins UI framework - Daniel Beck

In the first part of his talk, Daniel presented how Stapler, the web framework used in Jenkins, works, and how you can add to the set of URLs handled by Jenkins. In the second part he was talking about creating new views using Jelly and Groovy, and how to add new content to existing views.

Keywords: Stapler, Jelly, Groovy-defined UIs

2) Developing modern Jenkins UIs with Javascript - Tom Fennelly

Feel that Jenkins UI is a bit old? You are not alone. In addition to the old stack Jenkins offers a framework for writing UI components in Javascript with help of Node.js. Tom presented this new engine, which is being used in new Jenkins Web UI components like Jenkins installation wizard. He also provided several examples from the BlueOcean project he is working on.

Keywords: Node.js, ReactJS, Jenkins JS Builder, Jenkins Design Language, Blue Ocean

Want to conduct a meetup?

We are looking for speakers, who would be interested to share their experience about Jenkins best-practices, war stories and plugin development.

If you are interested to conduct a presentation, please contact meetup organizers using meetup.com “contact organizers” feature or via the events@lists.jenkins-ci.org mailing list.

About the Author
Oleg Nenashev

Oleg an active Jenkins contributor and engineer at CloudBees. He has a PhD degree in Hardware Engineering and >10 years in R&D and Automation. Oleg contributes to the Jenkins core, maintains Remoting and plugins like Role Strategy, EnvInject, Ownership, etc. He also organizes Jenkins meetups and events like GSoC.