Google Summer of Code

Jenkins GSoC

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is an annual, international, program which encourages college-aged students to participate with open source projects during the summer break between classes.

Students accepted into the program receive a stipend, paid by Google, to work well-defined projects to improve or enhance the Jenkins project. In exchange, numerous Jenkins community members volunteer as "mentors" for students to help integrate them into the open source community and succeed in completing their summer projects.

GSoC 2018


  • Dec 2017 - started collecting project ideas

  • Jan 17 - Status review at the Jenkins Governance Meeting. Outcome: decision whether we apply to GSoC in 2018.

  • Jan 21 - Application to GSoC (deadline - Jan 23)

  • Feb 12 - List of accepted mentoring organizations published

  • Next - If accepted, follow the GSoC Timeline

Mentors and org admins

The mentors team is being formed now. See GSoC 2018 Project ideas for the list of potential mentors.

Organization admins:


Previous years